Bracket Close – Make three price level offers, with the target in the middle
Cost of Inaction Close – How much are they losing in the future by not taking the solution today?
Deadline Close – Countdown timers and other deadlines drive urgency.
Demonstration Close – Show them the goods.
Directive Close – Step by step action the prospect should take to complete the sale.
Emotion Close – Trigger identified emotions.
Exclusivity Close – Not everyone can buy this.
Money Talk Close – Quantify the business problems and demonstrate how to save money with the solution.
Take Away Close – Take away some aspect of the offer if they don’t accept now.
Testimonial Close – Use a happy customer to convince the new customer.
Additional Closing Techniques to Put in Your Bag of Tools
Affordable Close – Ensuring people can afford what you are selling.
Alternative Close – Alternative close provides them with other options when they show signs of discontent with the solution that is initially proposed.
Artisan Close – Show the skill of the designer.
Ask-the-Manager Close – Use manager as authority.
Assumptive Close – Act as though the prospect has already decided to go ahead with your solution.
Authorization Close – “If you’ll just authorize this, then we’ll get started right away…”
Backward Close – Ask for referrals first. Usually the last step in a sales process.
Ben Franklin Close – Ben Franklin is said to have made decisions based on 2 columns: pros and cons. Show the prospect more pros than cons.
Best Time Close – Emphasize how now is the best time to buy.
Calculator Close – Use calculator to do discount.
Calendar Close – Put it in the diary.
Companion Close – Sell to the person with them.
Compliment Close – Flatter them into submission.
Columbo Close – “Just one more thing…”
Concession Close – Give them a concession in exchange for the close.
Conditional Close – Link closure to resolving objections.
Cost of Ownership Close – Compare cost over time with competitors.
Courtship Close – Woo them to the close.
Customer-care Close – The Customer Care Manager calls later and re-opens the conversation.
Daily Cost Close – Reduce cost to daily amount.
Diagram Close – Draw a picture that draws them in.
Direct Close – After the process and customer knows the value, ask for the sale.
Doubt Close – Show you doubt the product and let them disagree.
Dumbass Close – The deal is so good that they would be a dumb ass (self-described, you never say this!) to not take you up on it.
Economic Close – Help them pay less for what they get.
Embarrassment Close – Make not buying embarrassing.
Empathy Close – Empathize with them, then sell to your new friend.
Empty-offer Close – Make them an empty offer that the sale fills.
Extra Information Close – Give them more info to tip them into closure.
Feel, Felt, Found Close – “I understand, I felt the same way, but this is what I’ve found…”
Flip the Funnel Close – Start with the highest-priced item in your funnel at the top, move to the second highest-price item to focus on more affordable item, but still at a higher-price than your lower-cost items.
Free or $1 Trial Close – Test the product for a specific period of time before the regular price kicks in.
Fire Sale Close – Soiled goods, going cheap.
Future Close – Close on a future date.
Give It a Try Close – Disarmingly effective closing technique is “Why don’t you just give it a try?”
Give-Take Close – Give something, then take it away.
Golden Bridge Close – Make the only option attractive.
Good Reason Close – Customer has objection and you respond with “you must have a good reason for saying that.Can you tell me what it is?”
Handover Close – Someone else does the final close.
Handshake Close – Offer handshake to trigger automatic reciprocation.
Hard Close – Use this only when you have nothing to lose. The prospect either says yes or no, but you won’t get a second chance.
How Do You Mean Close – To every objection, you can ask “How do you mean that?”and get them to talk with you about the objection
Humor Close – Relax them with humor.
Hurry Close– Go fast to stop them thinking too much.
Impending Event Close –Something is scheduled to happen. It’s the best time to get the best deal.
IQ Close – Say how this is for intelligent people.
Level with Me Close – Customer wants to think about it. “Level with me. Have I failed to demonstrate…”?
Minor Points Close – Close first on the small things.
Negotiated Close – Great closing technique to use with prospects who like to haggle for every last ounce of value and challenge you at every turn.
Never-the-best-time Close – For customers who are delaying.
No-hassle Close – Make it as easy as possible.
Now-or-never Close – To hurry things up.
Objection Close – Once the prospect understands that the solution addresses all his objections, it’s time to ask for the sale.
Option Close – “Would you like 5 or 7 of these today?”
Ownership Close – Act as if they own what you are selling.
Pick a Date Close – Ask the prospect which date would work best for them to receive the order.
Porcupine Close – Answer questions gently with a question. Customer asks, “Does it come in blue?” You say, “Would you like it in blue?” And the answer indicates a level of interest.
Pressure Close – The Pressure Close can be used in almost any situation in which an external factor that is out of the buyer’s control can be used to exert pressure to buy. For example, a new regulation requires business owners to use your service.
Price-Promise Close – Promise to meet any other price.
Puppy Close – Acting cute to invoke sympathy and a nurturing response.
Quality Close – Sell on quality, not on price.
Question Close – Probing questions to create a desire to achieve what the solution offers.
Rating Close – Ask your lead to rate their level of interest in your solution on a scale of zero-to-ten.
Rational Close – Use logic and reason.
Rebound Close – Uses the opportunity of a buyer request (or even an objection) to force a commitment to get what you want and to move on to the next stage of the sale.
Relationship Close – Building a relationship with a customer is a sure way to not only close a sale but to create a long-term customer.
Repetition Close – Repeat a closing action several times.
Requirements Close – Write down what they want as a formal requirement.
Retrial Close – Go back to square one.
Reversal Close – Act as if you do not want them to buy the product.
Save-the-world close: – Buy now and help save the world. Great to go with charitable contribution if the prospect buys.
Selective-deafness Close – Respond only to what you want to hear.
Shame Close – Make not buying shameful.
Shopping List Close – Tick off list of their needs.
Similarity Close – Bond them to a person in a story.
Solicit Objections Close – “Is there any reason why… today?”
Something for Nothing Close – Throw something extra in at the last minute.
Stack Close– Show the “stack” of products that the prospect gets with the value so that they see it’s a no-brainer to take the bundle price – great on webinars.
Standing-Room-Only Close – Show how others are queuing up to buy.
Suggestion Close – This works when the customer views you as an expert and values your opinion.
Summary Close – Tell them all the things they are going to receive.
Thermometer Close – Keep taking the temperature as level of interest and when you close the gap, ask for the sale.
Think About It Close – Give them time to think about it.
Treat Close – Persuade them to ‘give themselves a treat’.
Trial Close – “If we satisfy that requirement, would you be willing to commit your resources to making the deal go ahead by the end of this month?”
Ultimatum Close – Show negative consequences of not buying.
Urgency Close – Have to act now, because there are only XX left in stock, etc.
Valuable Customer Close – Offer them a special ‘valued customer’ deal.
Visualize the Result Close – Visualize the impact your solution could make
Walk Away Close – When you’re confident the prospect is nearly there, walk away and give them time to think, and sell themselves.
Yes Close – Used by speakers from the stage all the time as well as live webinar presenters, this is the technique for getting the audience used to saying “Yes”…