Foundations of Strategic Decision Making

Foundations of Strategic Decision Making

Foundations of Strategic Decision Making 1. Introduction to Strategic Decision Making Definition of Strategic Decision Making: Strategic decision making involves long-term planning and setting directions for an organization, with a focus on achieving major goals and initiatives. It encompasses decisions that have significant impacts on an organization’s future, resource allocation, and market position. 2. Definition and Scope of Strategic…

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Course Introduction and Overview

Managing for Higher Profits

“Strategic Decision Making: Tools and Techniques” Course Introduction and Overview Strategic decision making is a critical skill in business, enabling leaders to navigate complex environments and make choices that drive long-term success. This course, “Strategic Decision Making: Tools and Techniques,” is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the strategic decision-making process, equipping students with the knowledge and tools…

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Understanding Analytical Judgement: The Power of Rational Decision-Making

Analytical Judgement

As we navigate through life, we constantly make decisions, both big and small. Some decisions are simple, requiring little thought, while others are complex and require careful deliberation. It is in these moments of deliberation that the power of analytical judgement comes to the fore. What is Analytical Judgement? Analytical judgement is the ability to evaluate complex information and…

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Peak Productivity