Next Level LinkedIn Marketing

Next Level LinkedIn Marketing

What is LinkedIn Marketing all about?

LinkedIn Marketing involves leveraging the LinkedIn platform to promote businesses, brands, products, or services through a variety of online marketing strategies tailored to the platform’s unique features.

LinkedIn stands out as a social media platform designed for professionals and businesses, offering a space for networking, sharing professional content, and advancing one’s career.

Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn focuses on fostering professional connections and sharing industry-specific content.

Users on LinkedIn are encouraged to create detailed profiles highlighting their work experience, education, skills, and career accomplishments to facilitate networking within similar professional circles.

In addition to connecting with individuals, users can also engage with companies and create company pages for business-related activities like lead generation and recruitment.

Content creation and sharing are key components of using LinkedIn effectively, with a focus on sharing industry-related content that is valuable to your network.

This emphasis on professional interactions and business-focused content sets LinkedIn apart from other social media platforms.

How To Make The LinkedIn Algorithm Work For You 

The key to boosting your content’s visibility and relevance on social media platforms lies in the level of engagement you can generate.

However, the ultimate factor that influences your content’s reach is the algorithm, which applies to all platforms, including LinkedIn.

Understanding the LinkedIn algorithm is crucial for tailoring your content effectively. So, let’s delve into what exactly the LinkedIn algorithm entails.

The LinkedIn algorithm serves as a set of guidelines embedded within the platform to prioritize content based on relevance rather than just posting time.

It essentially acts as a filter to identify the most suitable content for users.

How does this algorithm function, you ask? Well, its primary objective is to amplify the visibility of accounts that consistently drive engagement and interaction.

This is achieved by assessing the relevance of your posts to your industry interests and evaluating the value they offer to your network.

When it comes to content, the LinkedIn algorithm seeks out posts that are thought-provoking and designed to elicit responses.

It doesn’t show bias towards any specific format but rather focuses on the level of engagement your content garners to determine its worth.

Consequently, accounts that produce valuable content are rewarded with increased organic reach and visibility across the platform.

Powerful InMail Strategies That Work

When it comes to engaging with others on LinkedIn, one of the most valuable tools at your disposal is InMail.

This messaging feature allows you to connect with users beyond your immediate network.

InMail presents a fantastic opportunity to make a memorable first impression before establishing connections with potential leads.

This initial interaction can pave the way for guiding them towards conversion down the line.

Today, let’s delve into effective tactics for leveraging InMail to cultivate successful and profitable relationships within the platform.

Crafting a compelling InMail message is essential. If your message doesn’t captivate the recipient, it may go unnoticed.

Fortunately, sending InMails boasts a remarkable 700% increase in response rates compared to traditional emails, making it easier to elicit a reply with engaging content.

You don’t necessarily need a professional writer to craft impactful InMail messages. To create messages that resonate and drive results, consider the following tips:

– Opt for a direct approach in your InMail to enhance the likelihood of a response.

– Avoid bombarding the recipient with multiple requests right off the bat. Instead, focus on building rapport initially, gradually leading them through the conversion process.

– Maintain a casual and conversational tone to establish a personal connection with the recipient.

– Clearly articulate the purpose of your outreach, emphasizing a specific reason for the InMail. For instance, you could mention your admiration for their insights on a particular subject and express interest in connecting as fellow industry peers.

LinkedIn Marketing Do’s And Don’ts

Developing a content marketing plan is essential on LinkedIn, as content plays a crucial role in gaining visibility.

Having a strategy in place allows for scheduled content releases instead of relying on sporadic bursts of creativity.

It is important to actively engage with your audience by publishing content regularly and interacting with others in a meaningful way to expand your network.

Seek endorsements from your connections to enhance your credibility and establish authority.

Endorsements serve as valuable testimonials that can boost your reputation on the platform.

Maintain relevance by staying within your niche and avoiding sharing content from unrelated industries.

Joining relevant groups is beneficial, but joining too many can lead to a loss of focus. It’s crucial to strike a balance and not spread yourself too thin.

Avoid excessive self-promotion and sales pitches on LinkedIn, as users prefer consuming informative content before making purchasing decisions.

Additionally, refrain from being pushy by sending multiple follow-up messages or connection requests.

Respect others’ space and avoid spamming them with unnecessary messages.

LinkedIn Marketing Premium Tools And Services To Consider


GrowthLead is a social prospecting, social selling, and marketing automation tool that will help you to scale your outreach.

It provides you with a 4-step social automation process where it identifies and finds prospects using an advanced filtering feature, automates multiple campaigns to reach different audience segments by automating personalization, schedules unlimited messages and follow ups to boost response rates, then monitors metrics and automates data-driven changes.


Crystal is a social media marketing tool that is built to analyze anyone’s personality by checking their LinkedIn profile, which will help you to tailor your interactions like you’ve been prospecting them for years!

Crystal does this by using “Personality AI” to analyze millions of online data points that accurately identifies personality, and gives you powerful insights that will allow you to communicate more effectively, to write more persuasive copy, and to build trust faster.


LeadFuze is a business-to-business lead generation tool that helps you to quickly create LinkedIn leads and LinkedIn target accounts through a simple lead collection process.

With LeadFuze, you can search for leads using specific criteria such as industry, the type of computer programs they use, how much they spend on online ads, whether they’re hiring, and whichever criteria that fits.

It also helps you to unlock data such as verified email addresses and phone numbers!


SalesLoft is a sales engagement platform that seamlessly integrates with LinkedIn to make incorporating activities and insights into a single dashboard simple.

It provides you with a sales navigation application that integrates into your LinkedIn sales workflow and lets you create multi-channel communication flows, send InMails, research, and connect, all under a single panel.

LinkedIn Marketing Success Stories


DOCUSIGN is an electronic signatures company that sells electronic agreement solutions on the cloud.

Objective: The company’s objective was to generate more top-of-the-funnel leads to add to the final sales pipeline.

Strategy: DOCUSIGN designed an InMail campaign to target US based companies of medium size.

Results: The company generated more than 350 registrants that were directed to the Sales department!


Eurex is a leading derivatives exchange from Europe.

Objective: Eurex wanted to broaden consideration about their products in untapped markets across Europe and the US.

Strategy: The company updated their LinkedIn page and launched ad campaigns to target decision makers.

Results: The company increased their number of page followers from 500 to 13,000 in less than three months!


PostcardMania is a postcard marketing company from Florida, in the United States.

Objective: The company needed to increase their return on investment and to generate more leads.

Strategy: The company created a content strategy plan to help people learn more about the benefits of their products for clients in different industries.

Results: The company generated over 600 leads in over a year, which made them an approximate $72,000 in business from LinkedIn alone!


Schneider is a multi-national provider of truckload and logistical services.

Objective: The company’s objective was to boost authority and awareness of the brand as an industry leader.

Strategy: The company updated the profile of their new Business Development director. There they included information about the topics that matter to their audiences and case studies of success.

LinkedIn Marketing Frequently Asked Questions

LinkedIn marketing stands out from other social marketing platforms due to its distinct focus on professional networking rather than entertainment.

Unlike platforms geared towards viral content or casual conversation, LinkedIn prioritizes business relationships and value-driven interactions.

This unique approach can be challenging for marketers to navigate, but the key to success lies in promoting content that offers value and fosters potential business connections.

When it comes to lead quality, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for businesses targeting professionals and those looking to advance their careers.

By nurturing leads on LinkedIn, businesses can access higher-quality leads compared to other platforms.

However, if your products or services cater to consumers or entertainment, you may find better leads elsewhere.

Generating sales on LinkedIn is possible, but it requires a strategic approach.

To drive sales, businesses should focus on offering products or services that provide innovative solutions or professional growth opportunities.

Additionally, building awareness through content marketing campaigns is crucial for successful sales on LinkedIn.

To accelerate profits on LinkedIn, businesses can leverage targeted advertising campaigns.

By reaching key decision-makers through ads, businesses can direct traffic to their product pages and increase sales opportunities.

While immediate results may not be guaranteed, running ad campaigns can significantly boost visibility and drive sales on the platform.