InsideSales.com Labs research shows that the best place to begin when designing your cadence is with a 3x3x3x3 attack plan. 3x3x3x3 means placing 3 phone calls, leaving 3 voicemails, sending 3 emails, and performing 3 social interactions.
We call this cadence “The Commander” because it turns your sales development reps into heat-seeking missiles that rarely miss the mark.
If that approach doesn’t match your audience and sales culture, use the template that works best for you.
You should split-test your prospecting strategy to determine the best cadence for your market and your organization.
You’ll find cadence templates for sales development teams with the following attributes:
• Relational – focus on large deal sizes, long sales cycles, and multiple buyer personas
• Transactional – focus on small deal sizes, short sales cycles, and fewer buyer personas
• Inbound – focus on marketing-generated leads
• Outbound – focus on self-sourced leads or purchased lists
So, for example, your team might be Transactional Inbound or Relational Outbound.
You’ll also need to determine whether you want to use a precise or assertive approach.
Whenever we design sales cadences, we create a precise version and an assertive version.
Assertive cadences include more overall touches and emphasize more assertive communication methods, such as phone calls.
Precise cadences include fewer overall touches and focus more on passive forms of communication, such as social media interactions.